The FosterLink team has an exciting plan for 2021. We have reformulated a new mission statement and added more team members to expand out the range of services that FosterLink aspires to deliver.

FosterLink’s mission is to provide enough foster homes and support services for every Muslim foster child or youth in Ontario by 2023.

In 2019 and 2020 we had great collaborations with Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. We delivered webinars, spoke to interested foster caregivers and forwarded referrals to CAS of Toronto for certification. We also provided referrals to CAS in other regions such as Hamilton, Ottawa and London.

In 2021 we have had great discussions with CAS of York Region. Specific needs expressed by York CAS included:

  • Help recruit more Muslim foster caregivers
  • Participate in Lunch and Learns to answer questions that CAS caseworkers may have on Muslim cultural practices and needs
  • Create a resource handbook that can be used by caseworkers or caregivers on how to best service the needs of Muslims
  • Develop a support network of mentors or points of contact that are available to provide support directly to caseworkers or their clients

If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us.